Book Promo Template

So you’ve self-published your book and now you need to get the word out. Here’s a template I’ve created that might help promote your book for under £100. If you can supply a high quality image of your cover then I will create an abstract background from it and then replace the animated book with yours. Your script should have roughly the same amount of words per video frame as this one. Once it’s complete, you will have your own MP4 file and therefore you’ll have full flexibility to share far and wide. It’s a matter of getting your family, friends and contacts to share on their social media outlets as you also share on your own. You might be surprised at how many people could be made aware of your book if you get enough cooperation. 

A website is another way, not just to promote your book, but to sell it directly to readers, thus avoiding the commissions that shops and on-line outlets will deduct for selling on their platform. It should all be weighed up carefully since if you sell directly you will also be responsible for getting the book packaged and posted promptly. A big advantage of using Amazon is that you can leave the fulfilment aspect to them. 

Again, a dedicated website is something I and my colleagues could create for you at reasonable cost. But with ongoing 3rd part hosting and maintenance costs it’s still going to be an investment of a few hundred pounds. If your book project needs to be a profit-making venture, then you may need to consider whether you’ll have enough of an ROI to justify it. But every project is different so feel free to make contact if you’d like to discuss the possibility.

The website I created for Derick Bingham’s book is at