Career Highlights

Continued from HOME PAGE: Career highlights

  • Production and editing contracts with UTV, RTE and SKY as well as other independent TV producers.
  • The opportunity to produce a number of tourism related videos including the NITB’s own branded production to promote Northern Ireland as a tourist destination around the world.
  • Produced a series of TV programmes for a Norwegian broadcaster. 
  • Produced a series of personal development programmes with world-renowned psychologist, Lou Tice, founder of Seattle-based, The Pacific Institute (TPI). These were used as ‘courses’ with facilitators around the world.
  • Co-founded a digital signage company with video screens in public places around Ireland north and south.
  • Filming assignments have taken me to various parts of Ireland, UK, Europe, US, India, Andaman Islands and South Africa.
Filming a broadcast documentary with Dr Colin Morris, former Controller, BBC N Ireland
Filming a broadcast documentary with Dr Colin Morris, former Controller, BBC N Ireland
A broadcast documentary being edited at Callister Communications studio. We had one of Northern Ireland's first digital edit suites outside BBC and UTV.
A broadcast documentary being edited at Callister Communications studio. We had one of Northern Ireland’s first digital edit suites outside BBC and UTV.
Filming for Corrymeela. Sometimes a little height helps.
Filming for Corrymeela. Sometimes a little height helps.