Continued from HOME PAGE: Career highlights
- Production and editing contracts with UTV, RTE and SKY as well as other independent TV producers.
- The opportunity to produce a number of tourism related videos including the NITB’s own branded production to promote Northern Ireland as a tourist destination around the world.
- Produced a series of TV programmes for a Norwegian broadcaster.
Produced a series of personal development programmes with world-renowned psychologist, Lou Tice, founder of Seattle-based, The Pacific Institute (TPI). These were used as ‘courses’ with facilitators around the world.
Co-founded a digital signage company with video screens in public places around Ireland north and south.
Filming assignments have taken me to various parts of Ireland, UK, Europe, US, India, Andaman Islands and South Africa.

Filming a broadcast documentary with Dr Colin Morris, former Controller, BBC N Ireland

A broadcast documentary being edited at Callister Communications studio. We had one of Northern Ireland’s first digital edit suites outside BBC and UTV.

Filming for Corrymeela. Sometimes a little height helps.